Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Have Seen The Future

by June T. Bassemir

Company from out of state came this past week end.  We hadn’t seen them in twenty years.  The coats were hung in the hall closet and immediately the 50 year old said he wanted to show us something.  Out he whipped the IPAD...a truly remarkable technology tool.  He clued us in on the family tree – then searched my walls for pictures of relatives long gone, to fill in the gaps of the tree he had on the IPAD.  From there he showed us something “really new... it will blow your mind."  And it did!

There is now technology that will print in 3D and he used the IPAD to show us the advertising video of the company in NYC that does it!  All three days of the visit, the 8” x  9” [?] screen was in constant use.  There was little conversation exchanged...even when another part of the family came to visit. 

As soon as my son and family came through the front door they were immediately whisked away to see the IPAD in action.  It was on the floor for all to view what it could do.  No one asked how the intervening years were spent or what was going on in their lives now.  From the floor the “screen” came up to the table and was a camera speaking to another IPAD back home.  The caretaker in Florida put the mother in front of their IPAD.  She is in the throes of Alzheimer’s and was not making sense.  The husband and son at my table were keen to have us witness the confusion of the poor woman.  UGH!  This is entertainment?

The IPAD may be yet another “friend” that has entered the home, but it has taken over in the life of this visiting cousin and was even in evidence - placed as it was on the console of the car - when they drove away.  I guess at that point it was a GPS.

It’s not hard to imagine the time when everyone will have an IPAD.  The instruments will talk to each other and there will be no face to face conversation. Yes, I have seen the future and it ain’t pretty!  

copyright 2013 by June Tuthill Bassemir

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